Friday, April 28, 2006

The Secret: The Great 30-Day Experiment

What if a group of people could come together and use the world's greatest discovery to attract what they want in their lives within 30 days! "Attract" meaning NO hard efforting. Sound impossible?

My business partner, Jeanna and I disagree! We are so convinced that the great 'secret' to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, and youth is available to each and every one of you that we are going to show you, along with thousands of others, how! We are so convinced that it could change your life forever that we are hosting The Secret: The Great 30-Day Experiment for FREE! Join us!

Pass this information along. Get your friends and family involved. Let's put the world's greatest discovery to the test!

Click Here for more information

We intend to PROVE to you that by simply giving your positive attention to one goal for 30 days, using The Secret you will be able to manifest rock solid results - and it will only take you about 5 minutes a day! For 30 days, you will focus only on what YOU want!

In fact, our favorite mentors, Abraham and Esther Hicks, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Hale Dwoskin, Mike Dooley and a host of others have recently shared this great Secret in a new groundbreaking feature-length movie presentation called The Secret--known and used by every great man or woman in history. This secret is behind all financial fortunes, all great inventions, all great organizations, all happiness, all inner peace--all great endeavors of any kind.

BIG Question: Can a group of people focus their energy, using the magnetizing prosperity principles revealed in The Secret to focus on one goal for 30 consecutive days and attract that goal?

BIG Answer! Of course we can and it will be a blast!!! Join us as we focus together to attract our goals within 30 consecutive days of using The Secret!

What's the catch? You'll have to let go of any belief that having more prosperity means more effort. Act as if you are abundant and it will be so! What do you personally want to attract?

The race is on! The adventure begins on May 16th. Are you ready? Join the thousands participating in The Great 30-Day Experiment! It's an attraction frenzy and it's FREE!

Click Here for more information

Pass this information along. Get your friends and family involved. Let's put the world's greatest discovery to the test!

To your success,
Eva Gregory


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