Thursday, March 23, 2006

Learn How To Make FEAR Your Ally!

Do you fear the unknown? Or perhaps you are completely aware of the things that make you fearful. Did you know that fear is the major cause of failure? It is not failure itself or the action taken to pursue an idea or dream, but the inaction that is the result of fear.

It is human nature to try to control the various aspects of life yet, fear is often allowed to wrest the control away. Why give anything that kind of power over your life? Isn‚t it time to stop letting fear hinder you from doing, being, or achieving what you desire? When fear is holding you back from what you really want, it is time to face it head on and move through it. How can fear be overcome? Actually it is not as difficult as it may initially look.

First, please realize that Fear is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real! Knowing that it is false is the key that shifts the power back to you and puts that ball back in your court. The thing that moves you to take "action", so that you can face your fear, brings it to light and causes its power to dissipate. Confidence is built up and the fear is transformed into excitement, which brings you that much closer to success.

There are five steps that can be taken to cross the barrier from fearful to fearless:

First, identify the fear or fears. Make sure you are aware of the entire situation. It is not uncommon for more than one fear to be at the root of a problem, or a fear from long ago resurfacing to couple with a new one.

Second, identify what is holding your back from being, doing, or having whatever it is that is desired. You need a clear understanding of what must be overcome in order for you to successfully combat it.

Third, identify what you would do if you didn't have that fear. Visualize what your life would be like if this albatross did not exist. How would you feel? How many more opportunities would be available to you? How many more adventures would exist? How much happier would you be?

Fourth, identify situations when you faced fear and successfully moved beyond it. With a little thought everyone can identify situations where they moved beyond a fear, to reach a desired outcome. A fear of change (a new relationship, a new job, graduation, a wedding, etc.) where you faced your dragon and triumphed! Maybe a little corny, but you get the gist! Use these times as touchstones you carry in your pocket to remind you that you can do this again.

Fifth, identify the qualities in you that helped you succeed. These are the qualities that are the foundation for your success, and typically the foundation for you as a person. Qualities such as tenacity, integrity, zeal, confidence, and being able to see the big picture, to name a few.

Spencer knew that it was time to strike out on his own. He had a business plan, had been putting away funds for his home-based business dream for years, and even had the support of his wife. But there was one thing holding him back - fear! Spencer has always had an overwhelming fear of public-speaking and knew that he had to overcome this fear if he was to make a success of his business idea. Spencer decided to try to put the five steps to work. He acknowledged the fear of public speaking, but realized that he was most afraid of looking like a fool. Next, he came to grips with the fact that his fear had cost him a lot. In addition to not starting his home-based business, his inaction caused the delay to be placed on starting a family.

He then thought about what his life would be like if these fears were not part of the picture. He would have had his own successful business, would probably be a parent, and most likely would have the home that he and Sheila had been talking about for years. He knew that public speaking was a surmountable fear because he had had success with several others over the years. When he identified the previous fears, he decided to call on the qualities that had helped him with those. Determination, stubbornness, the desire to succeed, loyalty, honesty, and intellect had all come into play.

He knew that these were the basis for achieving victory. When he looked at where he was, where he wanted to be and how he had attained success in the past, things began to click for Spencer. He knew that he had to sign up for a public speaking class, had to make sure he felt knowledgeable about his subject matter, and that he had to start putting a plan together immediately so that he could start applying his newly learned skills to his dream. He was driven to take the "Pause" button off of his life.

So, how are you letting your fears stop you? How can you take the Pause button off of YOUR life? What are some of the qualities that you have drawn upon in the past to overcome your fears and reach your dreams? Now is the time. Seize control of your life again.

Remember to focus on the end result - the success! Use visualization to get into the feeling place of how great it is, how successful you are, how easy it becomes and how joyful it is for you. So you CAN stop thinking of fear as your enemy, remembering that it is only false evidence appearing as real, and embrace it as an ally!

To your continued success!

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching. NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint

Monday, March 06, 2006

Are You Careful or Careless?

The average adult typically utters 40,000 words each day, according to a study performed by Professor Robin Dunbar of Liverpool University. A substantial amount, but have you actually considered how valuable words are? What about how powerful they are? Words have the power to heal, lighten, comfort, and encourage, on the flip side they can wither, hurt, anger and discourage. What a gamut!

What about the role that words play in life. Words are a continuation of our thoughts, only verbalized. Do you always think carefully before you speak? Do you speak with good intentions? While it’s quite normal to have negative thoughts from time to time, and we’ve discussed how to diminish the occurrence of these thoughts. Just because we think it, does not mean that it bears repeating. Thinking something and giving it a voice just solidifies the thought. So if it’s negative, we’ve provided the nourishment for it to take root and sprout – just like a weed.

Do you want to attract negativity or lack? I’ll wager the answer is no. If so, don’t speak of it, about it, or repeat it. Easier said than done? Not really, but one must first become conscious of it when it is occurring. In The One Minute Millionaire there is company whose owner decided to have his employees accept responsibility for what they said by paying a fine for each negative thing that was uttered. He found it quite effective. Can you imagine having to pay for each instance of negativity that is said? Talk about accountability!

Mrs. Morgan, a fifth grade teacher, was heartsick as she listened to the words that were being spoken by her students. They were very negative, often hurtful, callous words that had no business being spoken, least of all to other impressionable, fragile children. Having been on the receiving end of hurtful words during her school days, she knew personally how damaging the long-term effects could be. After a great deal of thought she formulated a plan. She discussed it with the school principal, and after she was given the okay, she sat down to compose a letter to the parents.

The following Monday, she assembled her class and explained her distress over the words that were spoken each day. She told them that the principal and their parents were in agreement with her, and that they wanted the behavior to cease. They students each had 200 minutes of “free” time each week that was used for recess and “fun” activities. She explained that she was given permission to charge them 5 minutes for each instance of “careless speak” that she heard. Like most children they did not take her seriously until about mid-week when the most serious offenders were removed from the classroom because they had no more free time available. By Thursday afternoon she had less than a quarter of her class for free time, and by Friday she had just one student remaining. The children that were removed were put to work in other classrooms, or given additional lessons. The following week Mrs. Morgan saw a substantial improvement in behavior, and after doing this for three months the “careless speak” behavior was almost non-existent. The program was such a success that it was implemented grade by grade until the entire school participated.

Mrs. Morgan committed herself to making a difference. Are you ready to make a commitment? Make the commitment to yourself. The results will be phenomenal. You can begin to attract more positive things in life and improve your relationships. People who share your newfound control for voicing positive things will be attracted to you, and those who already know you will marvel at the new you. Your relationships will gather strength, and new ones will abound.
Let the 40,000 words that you utter each day mean something. Remember to choose your words with care, speak positive words with conviction, and let attraction work its very powerful magic.

To your continued success!

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Getting In Sync

Can you feel the power that is brewing? It is the power from within that is waiting to be organized, so that you can manifest all that you truly desire when it is unleashed. Since we know that it is when one's desire, belief, and self-esteem, the core of success, comes into alignment that anything is possible. And I do mean anything.

Are you in alignment? If not don't fret. According to Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, the co-authors of The One Minute Millionaire, they state that "this process of alignment doesn't happen all at once. Sometimes it takes years. Other times it takes a near-death experience or some other 'close call' to suddenly force you to wake up and get your act together. When you don't have any other choice ... when it's a matter of survival ... you usually figure things out". Have you learned this first hand? Isn't it amazing that when push comes to shove many things just seem to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle?

Andy found this out first hand. His life was in shambles. He owed everyone money, had no direction to his career path, and could not maintain a long-term relationship. He was terribly unhappy and could not understand why things would not go his way. After years of unhappiness and a wanderlust that he could not shake, Andy found himself alone and in debt up to his eyeballs. One night when Andy was leaving a party he was involved in an accident. He'd been hurt pretty severely and several times his family was not sure if he'd make it. But he did. His recovery was slow and the months that it took him to rehabilitate seemed to work miracles, both physically and mentally. When Andy returned to his everyday life he was a changed man. He cared about life. He no longer drifted from job to job, but found a job and stayed with it while he attended night school to change careers. He used his earnings from his job to put himself on a budget, made arrangements with all of his creditors to pay off his debts, and began making new friends at work and school that were a positive influence on him. Shortly before graduation, Andy even met a wonderful woman that shared his new found passion for life, and they started dating. It took time and a catalyst to get Andy on track. His accident made him realize that life is a gift and that the time he had to make the most of his life was priceless.

Everyone does not need such a dramatic life altering moment as Andy, but everyone does need to recognize the defining moments, the Aha-moments, the alignment moments as they occur. So, take stock of what is going on within and what is showing up each day. When you hold no doubt in your heart your self-esteem will become solid. When your vision is not clouded by random thoughts, or stray ideas, but you are focused on your goal, you'll have found your desire. When you can clearly state your goal and feel it resonate to your very core and outwards towards others you'll believe. When these things occur, you'll know that you've achieved synchronicity, congruence, or even better ... synergy. Once this takes place, be prepared to soar ... you'll have earned it

To your continued success!


Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint