Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tithing- By Giving You WILL Receive

In the book "The One Minute Millionaire", Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen discuss proven techniques and provide useful tools (in the form of Ahas), for becoming an Enlightened Millionaire (TM). One of the Ahas is about tithing, or "sharing the wealth" in layman terms. Tithing is when a monetary donation (typically a tenth of one's income or tithe) is made to a charity and/or church. Enlightened Millionaires follow two rules of thought regarding tithing. First, that abundance comes from making others better off. Second, the primary reason for obtaining wealth is to be able to give more of it away. In fact, Enlightened Millionaires DO commit to tithe the first 10% of their income.

Why is tithing something that so many already successful people believe in? Perhaps, because they recognize the cycle of the universe that says that in order to make room for more, we have to let go of some of what we have. It's a classic Win-Win for everyone involved. Many children practice this, here's an example. Sue and Jane are playing. They both come inside for a drink. Jane runs outside, trips and spills her fruit punch. Sue takes the remainder of her punch and pours it into her friends' cup. Her mom sees this act of kindness and brings her a full glass of punch. Sue has just been rewarded for her selflessness and in fact received more than she gave. Tithing is based on the same principle, substituting money for fruit punch of course, lucky us!

I know that the idea of giving away 10% of all income that shows up has your eyebrows raised. Especially if you are presently not in a very good financial place, but I assure you that good will come of it. First, you get to decide where you would like your gift to go. Is there a shelter in your community or a youth center that needs assistance? Or perhaps your son/daughter's school is on need of supplies? It's your gift and you have control over deciding where it would do the most benefit. This alone should make you feel good inside. Being able to help those less fortunate is always powerful with the universe. It shows that you are grateful for what you have and willing to help those less fortunate than yourself. Second, think of how beneficial your gift will be. Those on the receiving end will be giving thanks for the gift that you gave, and putting their gratitude out into the universe as well. The more you give, the greater number of people that are being added to the universe in a positive prosperous way, thereby creating more opportunity for you to give, by making more available to you.

Give it a try. Make a commitment to begin giving 10% of all of your income away to a cause that is close to your heart. Once you start, keep a journal and write down the new financial opportunities that will begin showing up. Some of the things that others have seen manifest are new job offers for a larger salary, new clients, new business ideas, partnerships or contacts that have resulted in more funds, unexpected payments, etc.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Thursday, September 28, 2006


When a whole lot of things are not going your way, it can be quite difficult to find a bit of optimism, seemingly impossible, in fact. But hold on, do you remember the old "is the glass half-empty, or half-full" adage? Well, it serves a dual purpose. If you find yourself thinking that "the glass really is half-empty," it serves as a wake up call to the need for an attitude adjustment. On the other hand, if you think "the glass is half-full"--then you've just touched on another of the natural laws, the Law of Polarity. The fact that everything has an equal and exact opposite.

The Universal Law of Polarity is like a self-inflicted "reality check." It's a glimpse into the other side, typically the bright, fun, successful side that is the equal and exact opposite to the dark, boring, and failure ridden side. It helps minimize negative vibrations, that when left to reverberate on their own makes it harder to claw away from. Instead, when the polarity is applied, positive vibrations are created making it all but impossible to stay pessimistic. Almost an instant dose of sunshine!
Celeste stormed in and slammed the door so hard, the house shook. She could not believe that Grace was awarded the prized Spunk account. Celeste felt that she was always being passed over for the large accounts and she was beginning to doubt her performance. She didn't want to ruin her husband's evening by complaining about her day, so she sat down with some relaxing music and tried to think about her problem objectively. She found a sheet of paper and drew a line down the center of the page. In the left column she listed her dark thoughts and feelings, and in the right, the polar, light opposite. For example, she thought that she was being passed over for the large accounts and that made her rather upset. After reflecting for several minutes, she realized that her boss had to have a great deal of confidence in her abilities to leave her in charge of several mid-sized accounts with practically no supervision. The longer she sat there with her list, the more she realized that Grace had actually received the short end of the stick. By the time her husband walked in, Celeste was sporting a million watt smile, he never would have guessed that she had been in a fierce mood a mere hour earlier. A wonderful evening, and a great outlook on work the next morning was simply the result of taking a few minutes to search for the opposite of her negativity.

The next time life appears to not be progressing according to plan, and you feel your mood heading way south, just think of that Half-FULL glass--visualize it. Then start listing the polar opposite of everything that had been showing up. In no time, you'll be turning that "frown upside down." (Whoever came up with that little bit of optimism sure knew a thing or two about polarity!)

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint to

"© Photographer: Jay Crihfield | Agency:"

Monday, September 25, 2006

Light Bulb Moments

You know, those moments when you experience complete comprehension, total memory, or supreme brilliance. The moment when your problems have solutions, when your worries disappear, and you have "the" plan? I'm talking about your own personal Aha moment or the point in time when you realized that you were just on the cusp of something major? Just close your eyes and think of how good it feels in that moment. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to bottle those moments? To relive them and the feelings that they evoked in you? To be able to recreate that truly receptive period in your mind when everything comes together in total synchronicity for your inevitable success? Well there are various ways that you can.

When Delores was trying to spice up her love life she took to journaling. She started by listing the qualities of her dream man, what she wanted from the relationship, and the general time table. As she began to meet men she jotted down the details in her journal. Delores tweaked her ideal man list over time and ended up with exactly the man she was looking for. Her journal serves as a powerful reminder to her of what, or who you can make materialize as long as you don't skimp on the details. Delores now regularly journals and is in what she considers "the perfect" relationship.

Sinthia experiences most of her Aha moments after meditation. She finds that when she takes herself to a place and lets go of the problem and the pressure of the problem, that she is able to open herself up to the myriad of potential solutions. In fact she says that when she brings a problem with her to meditation, there are always multiple solutions to her problem when she is ready to address it. But often, Sinthia finds that a single solution seems to materialize for her with such unwavering clarity that she always knows that it is her ideal solution. Sinthia uses various types of meditations depending on her mood, but says that she writes down what she experiences as soon as her sessions are over using her five senses sight, smell, taste, hear, and touch as a guide. She says that those journal entries always serve as her passage back into the moment, if and when she needs it to.

Like Sinthia, many have learned the value of the light bulb moment. They serve as evidence to how powerful the individual is. They create a positive atmosphere in which an individual can embrace the fact that they are the creator of their own destiny, and remain in the place of creation. When the atmosphere is duplicated it can serve as a short-cut back to that ideal time and place where reception is already amped up for optimum results.

As masters of creating our own reality, wouldn't it be cool to learn how to tune in to achieve all that is desired with great ease and little effort? There are many things that work for many people. The key is to find the thing, or things, as there can be more than one, that works for you. Meditation, yoga, reading, writing, journaling and listening to music are all vehicles that delivered others to their light bulb moment destinations. Many have also found that no matter the vehicle, writing it down seems to just solidify and validate the process to the mind.

Aha moments are awesome things. They let us know we're on the right track. They tell us that we've finally removed the obstacles that have been blinding us and keeping us from the next step. Each aha moments brings us that much closer to the goal, result, dream that has been spurring us on. Just think of how much easier it will be to achieve goals if you can put yourself in a place with the proper tools, to be receptive to the ideas that come with great ease. Just relax and let them flow.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint to

"© Photographer: Dawn Hudson | Agency:"

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Here and Now

Are you capable of letting things go easily; like water rolling off of a duck's back? Can you put things in the past and let them remain there? Are you predominantly temper-free? If so you're in the minority. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Live life in the present." It's one of the best pieces of advice for obtaining and maintaining a happy, healthy, and prosperous life.

If you pay attention to young children you will see excellent examples of living life in the present being demonstrated. Ever notice how children can be furious with someone one moment and the next be giving hugs and kisses? Or be crying like there is no tomorrow and the next moment be laughing hysterically at something as outrageous as a silly face? They are masters at living life in the present and seemingly get much joy out of the majority of their interactions, experiences, and waking hours. Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to embrace the simply pleasures in life, the ones that are occurring in just that instance? It is possible, but adults have to be retrained. We simply think too much!

No one knew this more than Nina. Nina was a thirty-something year old married working mother of three. While it may not be accurate, she felt that she had the corner on the market for harboring resentment. She resented having to work full-time when she wanted to be home with her kids, she resented the low-paying, high-stressed position that she had with her company and resented her husband for not helping out with the housework and their kids. In short, Nina was incredibly unhappy, but could not seem to shake it. One day he found her youngest daughter sitting outside looking very sad. She asked her why she was sad and her daughter looked up at her and said, "I'm sad like you Mama. You never smile and you're always rushing around." Nina was about to hurriedly deny her daughter's statement when she realized that it was true. She was always rushing around. She almost never smiled or laughed anymore. She was depressed. She often found herself marveling at how happy and cheerful her kids were, but now wondered if her current emotional state and personal hang-ups were having a negative affect on them.

That night Nina decided to list all of the things that were bothering her. When she finished she was amazed at the length of the list, but more amazed at the huge number of insignificant items that graced her list. Later, while thinking in bed, she decided to make an effort to turn back into the light-hearted person that she'd been the majority of her life. So Nina decided to tackle the small things first. It took a great deal of effort and it was hard to change persistent thoughts and habits, but one by one she was able to cross things off her list. When things got tough, or she slipped back into her bad moods and depression, she thought of her family. Life was too short as it was, and she made a commitment to not spend her time focusing on the things she couldn't change, but on the things that she truly had some control over. She began discussing the items on her list, eliminating them, and giving them their rightful value in relationship to her present happiness. She took steps towards creating a reality that made her optimistic and happy, and focused on living and appreciating instead of rehashing. Nina committed to living her life in the present and letting go of the past.

Do you have a list of resentments too? Many of us do. But like Nina, with some effort, persistence and practice, the art of being in the present fully can be achieved. The key: find ways to quiet your mind, let yourself focus on what is happening right now and do yourself a favor by not multi-tasking. Let go of the things that have already passed that cannot be changed. Like the fight that you had with your spouse, the lack of recognition that you received from your boss, or the rude customer service rep., or the persistent telemarketers. Put your entire being in the present and you will be amazed at the results. Increased concentration, better time management, and exceptional appreciation and joy for what you are doing at that moment, be it fun, work, or just hanging out; an outcome that most people seek but cannot achieve. Just can boost your quality of life, let go of baggage, and increase your attraction magnetism. Powerful stuff, eh?

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

The 411 on Selecting and Achieving Your Goals

Do you know what you truly desire to accomplish, obtain, or become in life? Not just a vague idea, but what you really want to do? Psychologists and sociologists theorize that because there are so many more options available for the average person in this new millennium, the decision-making process has become too convoluted, and has begun to actually hinder success. Achieving goals is a step by step process, with making a decision about what to accomplish being just a part of the whole process itself. So how does one select the appropriate goal?

Take for example the college student who must decide on a major by his or her junior year. Once upon a time when so few people were pursuing higher education the decision about what to major in was often a family decision. The choice was made by the determination of how best a degree would serve the purposes of the family and/or the community. Of course gender played a significant affect on the available options. But today just about anyone can major in, study, or become anything they want. Talk about your bevy of choices, definitely not an easy task. High school, freshman and sophomore years are supposed to be “trial” years in which a student is exposed to enough different subjects and careers from which to choose, but many students still have a difficult time making a decision. Take a second and think of all of the people you know who are unhappy in their current jobs. Pay particular attention to the people who you know should not have chosen their current careers. Granted, sometimes circumstance and necessity play a huge factor, but when choice is involved the current trend is that a very small percentage of individuals are happy with their choice. Is it possible to change? How does one go about narrowing the playing field before they make their choice? The key is taking the time to become familiar with yourself and carefully outline your goals with clarity.

Goals are incredibly individualized things. While two people may share the same goal, their motivation, anticipated result, and path will probably all vary. Whether you write them down or envision them, the first step is to determine why you are creating a goal. What will it do -- create for you, or change for you? The answer to the question will let you know if you’re on the right path. See, if a goal will create less free time for you, and your spouse is currently commenting that he/she never sees you, then this could be a conflict. However, if it will in the short term take more of your time, but free-up 50% of your time in X months, then you and you spouse may be able to come to an agreement.

Next determine what your goal(s) actually are. If you have several goals classify them and narrow them down. Will they assist you financially? Will they help you achieve better health? Will they nurture your spirit? Will they celebrate your passions? Is there a seemingly natural way to pursue them? For instance it would seem likely to begin with yourself and branch outwards towards goals that you have less control over. For example, focusing on your spirit (something you control), before you tackle a new career (which involves yourself and others). Especially since a calmer, focused spirit will make it easier for you to achieve your financial goals. A long list of goals may seem like an insurmountable task. However, once they are classified you may find that some may be eliminated altogether, others may be better focused on at a later date, and some may be combined with others for greater clarity. It’s not the length of the list, but your ability to concentrate on the goal to make it a reality that is the key.

Once you have determined the why and determined the what, next determine how, which will also answer where it will be accomplished – the action, duration and location. Will you accomplish an exercise goal by hiring a personal trainer or by purchasing a video or DVD? Will you pursue your education through distance learning or classroom education? Any of these means are an acceptable way to reach a goal, but a method that will bring success to one, may not bring success to another. While you are determining how, don’t forget too schedule the duration. An indefinite amount of time is too wishy-washy. So set a time frame. Remember to take your views into consideration. If you have difficulty making long term commitments then signing up for a lifetime gym membership could be a tad intimidating, while if you are detailed and organized a six month or longer workout program may be just what you’d excel at. It is important to determine what will work best for you. The more individualized the plan, the higher the rate of success.

Goals are unique. They can be set, modified, implemented, and even stalled. But the key to goals is you – the individual. Parents have goals and dreams for their children, but while they can put them on the path it eventually becomes up to the individual to carry on with the journey. Change is always possible and can begin with the tiniest of steps. Each tiny step will bring you closer to where you want to be. Embrace the possibility, crave the potential, and celebrate your decision. When you know the decision was made with you in the forefront, you’ll know that it’s in line with your passion.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint to

"© Photographer: Dawn Hudson | Agency:"

Monday, September 18, 2006

It's Just a Number

Age is a funny thing, it’s something that people want to speed up and slow down all within the span of a few years. As a child do you recall saying “I can’t wait until I’m all grown up?” I’ll bet that at some point in life you’ll also become wistful for a younger age. No matter which side of the longing scale you’re on, your age or lack there of need not be a deterrent for accomplishing your goals. There are thousands of stories about people who did not let age stop them in the pursuit of their goals. I’m sure you recall hearing of 70+ year old new college graduates, or teenagers who are inventors of multi-million dollar gadgets and/or owners of companies. It can be done. It just depends on attitude. How does your attitude measure up?

Michael had wanted to run his own business from the time he could remember, but he was never a big risk taker. After many years of working for others, ever increasing job dissatisfaction, and numerous excuses, Michael had had enough. He put a business plan together and was all set to make the leap, but before he could put his plans into action his friends began asking him questions about his business and put a bug in his ear. They told him that at 45 he was too old to start his own construction business. They told him that construction was a young man’s business. They told him that he needed to continue to work for someone else, build his pension, and collect a steady paycheck to support his family. Michael was crushed. Since all of his friends worked in the very field that he was considering starting his business in, he figured that they knew what was best, so he decided to shelf his plans. Michael would have just let his dreams die, but his wife was not having it. She told him that she’d watched him put everyone first and talk himself out of his dream because of his age and he was being foolish. They discussed it and Michael realized that he’d been using his age as an excuse, a crutch that has enabled him for all these years when his age should have been thought of as an asset. With age came experience, wisdom, and unerring intuition, all skills that could help him make a success of his business. So Michael took the leap.

Have you made your leap? Have you put off a goal, dream or desire because of age or another limiting factor? Have you examined all of the possibilities? Does the limiting factor really have as much power as you think it does, or are your doubts fanning the flames? Take a step back and look at things from all angles, seek the advice of a friend or partner and get their take on it. Don’t let years pass by like Michael did, or worse continue to let them pass by without trying to use them to your advantage. Age is just a number and each challenge is an opportunity. Your attitude matters. You're not too old to try something new and never too old to give up on your dreams. They may require a bit of tweaking, but if you want something bad enough, believe in yourself, and trust the universe, and your desires will have no bounds.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dare To Dream-It's The First Step!

Do you remember your childhood dreams of career choices, the man/woman of your dreams, or the prized sports car? Did you replace them with new dreams as you got older as most people do? Have you attained your dreams? If not, why?

The saying, 'We are the creators of our own destiny' is right on the mark! We spend a great deal of time thinking about what we want. What we want to be when we grow up, the type of lifestyle we would like to lead, the location and type of home we would like to own, but so many of these dreams do not come to fruition. Why? Because they are often just yearnings, hopes, or the proverbial brass ring. But they need not be. You can actually attain the things you have always wished for, but you need more than a vague idea of what it is that is truly desired. You need to deliberately pursue your goal to create your reality.

Dreams and aspirations are kind of like seeds in a garden. Would you just plant seeds and leave them to fend for themselves, expecting them to grow into the desired fruit, vegetable, or flower? Of course not. Without water to stay quenched, fertilizer for growth, and regular weeding your seeds would not thrive at all. In fact they would just wither away. That is exactly what can happen to your dreams. They will never flourish without thought, attention, and energy. Deliberateness is needed. It is the process of putting action to your intentions that will help manifest your dreams.

Claire has fallen into just such a rut. She has been a waitress for nearly three years but she dreams of much more. Since the age of three she has wanted to be a dancer. Claire is quite good, but she has yet to act on her goals professionally. Instead she attends dance classes during the day and waitresses at night, dreaming of how different things will be once she is finally discovered.

During her lunch break she goes a few doors down to meet her friend Sam. Sam is a man on a mission. He works as a waiter in the evenings, takes classes in the morning and pounds the pavement, literally or virtually in between. Sam has had the dream of becoming a freelance writer ever since he can remember. But instead of hoping that his dream comes true, Sam is helping his dreams along by putting action into play. Unlike Claire, he is making contacts with agents and publishers, is part of a writer's workshop and even donates his writing to a few not-for-profit organizations. Sam is insuring that his work is seen by as many people as he can, thus increasing his chances for success.

Claire and Sam are both people with ambitious dreams, but they are clearly going about attaining them in two very different ways. Claire is waiting for her dreams to materialize, while Sam is setting out to make his happen. Are you more like Claire or Sam? If your dreams have not yet become a reality, take some time to reflect on the reasons why. Ask yourself if there was something that you could have done to help them along? If the answer is yes, then you have a starting point for action. Assemble a plan for how you are going to achieve your dreams. Action takes courage, the universe recognizes courage as an acknowledgement that you are ready to handle the next step, whatever that next step may be. If you keep working towards your dreams and aspirations, you WILL achieve them. Use action as the catalyst and watch what begins to manifest, believe me you won't be surprised after all, you made it become reality.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Don't Overlaod, Unload

Are you stuck? Stuck trying to rework a project or looking for the “perfect” solution? Stuck searching for the latest brainstorm, new business idea, or product stream? Are you stuck waiting for that “light bulb moment” that will pull all of the pieces together in their rightful place? Well, so are a lot of other people. As a whole, we spend a great deal of time being stuck, waiting to find “perfect,” and making ourselves stressed and miserable in the process. Why? Because we think that it’s our job to find the solution. When it’s not our place, at all, to find the answers, it’s simply our job to allow the answers to come to us. Yes, it really is that easy, we just tend to complicate the process because we’re conditioned to presume that the search must be difficult.

Have you ever gone to bed with something weighing on your mind, only to dream the solution? Ever wonder why? Well, it was the universe waiting until your brain was quiet and your mind was receptive enough to receive the answer and recognize it as the solution to what you were seeking. What about going to bed at night and just waking up with the answer having not even remembered dreaming? Do you see how powerful the universe is? And long as it is allowed, the answers will follow with much more ease than by struggling to find them.

A classic example is “tip of the tongue” phenomena. You know when you can’t remember the name, phrase, number, etc. to save your life. It’s just on the tip of your tongue, but no matter how hard you try you just can’t seem to shake it loose from your memory. But as soon as you’re no longer thinking of it – TA DA! The answer pops in your head clear as day! What’s that about? See, you were thinking so hard , trying to force something to happen instead of letting it come at it’s own pace.

Carla, a single mother had just lost her job. Given her circumstance, she did not feel that she had the luxury of time to practice “unloading.” Instead she pounded the pavement and fretted about how she was going to be able to pay her bills, buy groceries and keep her children in their dance and gymnastics programs. Carla was spending so much time looking for a job that her health began to slip. She caught a cold that quickly turned into bronchitis, followed by pneumonia. Carla ended up in the hospital for a little over three weeks. While she was in the hospital her aunt took care of the kids, so Carla had a great deal of time to let her mind rest. As she began to get stronger an idea hit her. Her community did not have a decent center. The existing one had been having a hard time keeping a director because there was never enough money available to implement desired activities. While recovering Carla wrote a proposal for the community center, along with a grant application. She reasoned that if she were hired as director that she could use her grant writing experience to secure more funds for the center, and introduce programs such as dance and gymnastics for the kids. As director, she knew that her children would be able to use the center for free. She suspected that it might take a bit of time, but was willing to put in the effort in advance while she continued her job search, if that was what was needed to help her attain her goal. Carla’s forced “unload” time also taught her the value of learning to stop overload before it occurs.

What have you been struggling with? Is it time to unload? Whether it is work, family, love, or life related, if the answer is not jumping out at you, try stepping back from it for a bit. Find something else to do that gives you a break, like reading a book, taking a walk, listening to music, or a change in scenery. Overloading the mind is an exercise in futility. An overworked mind is just as bad as an overworked body; neither will produce the desired end result. Try practicing letting go of the need to control and direct the outcome. It can be difficult to surrender this task, so start small and you will see how easy and comforting it becomes to unload. Besides, the great ideas that you will allow yourself to receive will be well worth the effort! Or should I say effortlessness?

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Getting in Sync

Can you feel the power that is brewing? It is the power from within that is waiting to be organized, so that you can manifest all that you truly desire when it is unleashed. Since we know that it is when one's desire, belief, and self-esteem, the core of success, comes into alignment that anything is possible. And I do mean anything.

Are you in alignment? If not don't fret. According to Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, the co-authors of The One Minute Millionaire, they state that "this process of alignment doesn't happen all at once. Sometimes it takes years. Other times it takes a near-death experience or some other 'close call' to suddenly force you to wake up and get your act together. When you don't have any other choice ... when it's a matter of survival ... you usually figure things out". Have you learned this first hand? Isn't it amazing that when push comes to shove many things just seem to fit together like the pieces of a puzzle?

Andy found this out first hand. His life was in shambles. He owed everyone money, had no direction to his career path, and could not maintain a long-term relationship. He was terribly unhappy and could not understand why things would not go his way. After years of unhappiness and a wanderlust that he could not shake, Andy found himself alone and in debt up to his eyeballs. One night when Andy was leaving a party he was involved in an accident. He'd been hurt pretty severely and several times his family was not sure if he'd make it. But he did. His recovery was slow and the months that it took him to rehabilitate seemed to work miracles, both physically and mentally. When Andy returned to his everyday life he was a changed man. He cared about life. He no longer drifted from job to job, but found a job and stayed with it while he attended night school to change careers. He used his earnings from his job to put himself on a budget, made arrangements with all of his creditors to pay off his debts, and began making new friends at work and school that were a positive influence on him. Shortly before graduation, Andy even met a wonderful woman that shared his new found passion for life, and they started dating. It took time and a catalyst to get Andy on track. His accident made him realize that life is a gift and that the time he had to make the most of his life was priceless.

Everyone does not need such a dramatic life altering moment as Andy, but everyone does need to recognize the defining moments, the Aha-moments, the alignment moments as they occur. So, take stock of what is going on within and what is showing up each day. When you hold no doubt in your heart your self-esteem will become solid. When your vision is not clouded by random thoughts, or stray ideas, but you are focused on your goal, you'll have found your desire. When you can clearly state your goal and feel it resonate to your very core and outwards towards others you'll believe. When these things occur, you'll know that you've achieved synchronicity, congruence, or even better ... synergy. Once this takes place, be prepared to soar ... you'll have earned it.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint to

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Secret to Making it B-I-G

Do you dream BIG? Using all of your faculties to imagine that you can obtain your wildest, biggest, seemingly impossible dream? Now that you've imagined it, have you asked yourself how to get it? If not, that could be what is halting your forward progress.

The mind is a wonderful thing. It works day and night to solve the things that are presented to it. In fact, it won't stop until we acknowledge that the result is to our liking. How often have you pushed something out of your consciousness only to have it resurface in your dreams? That's the mind still working on the solution that was requested.

According to Allen and Hansen in The One Minute Millionaire, since questions predetermine the answer, the problem that most of the population faces is that they dream too small. How often have you found yourself asking for a new job, a 5% raise, or a couple of new clients? Hansen and Allen suggest that while you have effectively mastered asking and manifesting your requests, you should be asking, "How do I earn or create a million dollars?" In other words, think, dream, and question big! Imagine putting the mind to work on that one!

Joel sat by the water staring ahead but not seeing the glorious view, or appreciating the beautiful day. Instead he was buried in distress. He had just a few days to come up with the money to make his bills, and he was horribly short. So he sat by the water trying to think of ways to secure the much needed cash. Borrowing the money was out - overtime would provide the funds, but not in time. While he was contemplating his dilemma an older gentleman of about 70 sat down at the other end of the bench. After a few moments he asked Joel why he had such a heavy heart. Joel replied that his finances were strained month after month, and this month was the worse yet.

The older gentleman looked at Joel for several seconds and replied, "So, what are you going to do about it?" To this Joel snapped "Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't be sitting here!" The older gentleman thought for a moment and said "I think that you have finally found the problem." To this Joel looked at him with exasperation clearly etched on his face.

The older gentleman drew a deep breath and began to explain it slowly. "You see, young fella, you have spent so much time dwelling on how to meet your monthly obligations, that you have not spent any time trying to solve your lifetime obligations. I don't mean the financial obligations to others, but the ones you owe to yourself. So, I suggest that you broaden your line of sight and try to determine how you're going to make your success for one year, ten years, twenty years, and finally a lifetime. Don't fret, ask the questions and the answers will come. In the meanwhile you'll find you're your daily, weekly and monthly expenses will take care of themselves."

The older gentleman got up from the bench, placed his hat on his head, tipped it to Joel and carefully made his way back down the path. At the end of the path Joel saw a chauffeur waiting patiently for the gentleman, with the door held wide. Joel looked after him for a few minutes and decided then and there to put the advice given to him to use. He figured that he had nothing to lose, and the old gentleman must know a bit about what he suggested if he could afford a chauffeur driven limousine.

Are you going to take the advice of the old gentleman too, and broaden your line of sight? Are you asking the BIG questions and letting the little ones fall into place on their own? Let your mind do what it does best and solve the problems for you. Just remember that you asked the question, so be on the lookout for the answer when it comes. Please note the usage - When it comes, not if
... for the answer will come.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

NOTE: You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint to