Thursday, October 19, 2006

Coming Undone-Is A Good Thing!

Do you remember the saying, 'everything I needed to know about life I learned in kindergarten?' Well, I won't say everything, but definitely a few really key lessons can be learned from the five and under set. One of the most important ones is the wide-eyed wonder and delight that children seem to be able to find in almost everything, every minute of every day, day after day. As adults we often do not appreciate the enormity of this wide-eyed sense of adventure. In fact we often find it tiresome, but take a moment to truly ponder what it would be like to look forward to each and every day with so much excitement that sleep is like punishment. Can you imagine how different your days would become?

Jonathan was in a rut. He'd begun to dread his work and even wasn't satisfied with how he spent his free time. He'd begun criticizing and nit-picking just about everything and had begun to drive even himself crazy. One evening after work Jon stopped at the dance studio that his sister ran. While waiting for her last class to end, he ran into an old friend from high school. He was surprised to see Marguerite. He'd heard that she had moved away years before, and recalled being a tad depressed about it because he'd had a secret crush on her for years. Looking at her, she barely looked old enough to be out of high school, let alone fast approaching her mid-thirties as he knew her to be. He told her how good she looked and she smiled, but did not give the compliment a great deal of attention, which really earned Jon's approval. When his sister Juana joined them, she suggested that they all go out to dinner and catch up. During dinner Jon learned that Marguerite had a very eventful life. She'd managed to recover from a disaster of a marriage, from being yet another casualty of the bust, and had recently moved back home with her Dad, yet she was the epitome of optimism. She never once complained about the things that had gone wrong in her life, but seemed to look to the future as uncharted frontier, full of opportunity. Jonathan could not believe how much life and vitality she seemed to ooze. When Juana and Jon asked Marguerite about her optimism, she remarked that it was because she refused to let life beat her. She chose to embrace each fresh day as a new chance and could not dwell on what had happened in the past, even if it was as recently as yesterday. She said that periodically when she slipped and allowed herself to get caught up in yesterdays, she realized it immediately because she felt drained, bitter, and often listless. Marguerite confessed that she learned this way of life from her now seven year old daughter Callie. Callie was always excited about life. She couldn't wait to embrace a new day, conquer a new task, and almost always did it with a fantastic attitude. When she was born, Marguerite had searched for a way to nurture the free spirit in her child and decided the best way to do that was by being a role model for her.

Jonathan confided in Marguerite about his life and moods of late, and asked her for some suggestions. She said that she had three tips for how he could start living his life with the abandon that leaves one open to all possibilities. She first suggested that he stop living in the past. When he began to deny it, she told him that if he woke up in a foul mood that he was indeed living in the past. She told him to make a pact with himself to never go to bed with unresolved issues. Granted some things cannot be solved in just a few hours of a day, but instead of letting things carry over, he needed to make peace with the fact that it was unresolved and release it. Second, Marguerite suggested that Jonathan allow himself to try and enjoy things that may not seem appropriate for a thirty-something year old. She confided that she often went to the zoo to ride the carousel and several times a month went to play at the playground without her child. She found this personal playtime as being her most creative time. She assured him that good things would result from learning how to play again. Lastly, she suggested that he surround himself with others who knew how to embrace joy, especially since he didn't have children of his own. She cautioned that sometimes one can mistake irresponsibility for playfulness, but told Jon that he needed to learn how to really let himself go. She suggested volunteering with young children, or having him join a group of his liking for a fun activity, or that Jon join Callie and herself for a few "learn how to let go" outings. As she spoke Juana watched Jon ponder her suggestions and was delighted at the sparks she saw in his lately dull eyes. She knew it was going to take time, but thought that if Jon allowed himself to come undone from his former routine and learn to live life in the moment that he'd feel so much better about himself, his life, and definitely his future.

Are you ready to come undone? Can you make a pact to leave the events of a day on that day and not carry it into a new day, week, month or year? Yes, it is difficult, but just like couples who promise to never go to bed angry, why not promise to never go to bed aggravated? If you can make a promise to others, why not begin with you? Remember, you can't change the way others act, but you can change the way you respond verbally and the way you handle things. It's your life, the ball is in your court, and it's up to you to decide to let yourself come undone where you need to, in order to create the life that will make abundance, delight, possibilities and prosperity flow like the mighty Niagara-effortlessly and limitless. It is a good thing.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Two Weeks

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine how you'd respond to the following scenario:
You’ve been told that you have only two weeks left to live.
Now, after the shock wears off, what would you do next? How different would the next two weeks be compared to the way you’ve been living thus far? Would it be any different at all?

Take a look around at the day to day lives of your friends and family members. It seems to be human nature to put off one's idea of happiness until…"I graduate," "I earn and save more," "I get married," or "I'm done raising my family." THEN, I'll be able to play, to have fun and travel, or pursue my dream. What’s up with that? Why should all of the other things come first? Why not simultaneously? Have you wasted what could be very precious time by putting your life on hold until – whenever?
Somewhere along the line, society seems to have programmed us into believing that the majority cannot live life and be happy simultaneously. But there are many who threw caution to the wind and believed that they could have the best of both worlds – and do. They are living proof that it all comes down to belief. If you believe that you can have the life you want, doing the things you want, with the people you want by your side, then the universe will make it happen for you.

Take Tanya and Daria, 28 year old twins with completely different takes on life. Tanya has always been outgoing, a free spirit who enjoys life at every turn and believes that she is destined to have all the successes that she seeks. Daria, on the other hand, lives her life very cautiously and believes that you must take care of your duties before you can reap the benefits, and happiness and the freedom to pursue dreams is something that must be waited for. Yes, they are completely like night and day. Which one would you think is most successful and happy? Is it Tanya who takes risks, invites failure and strives to make her own happiness daily, or Daria who treats her life like a linear progression by finishing school, going to grad school, moving up the corporate ladder, getting married, having children etc.? Actually in their own ways they are both happy and successful. They’ve each accomplished all that they’ve set out to. However, if the two week scenario were posed to each, Tanya would probably have fewer goals and dreams to pursue, and Daria may find herself scrambling to accomplish all that she had put off until later.

Would you have a long list of things to get done like Daria, or would it be perhaps a more aggressive continuation of your day to day living like Tanya? What are some things that you could do to put your goals and dreams in the here and now? What beliefs would you have to embrace or thoughts might you have to discard? Create your own 'today' and make it all that you want it to be. Become the master of your destiny while you’ve the time to enjoy it and can mold it any way you want. I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying, "Live each day as though it were your last." Life is too short and there are no guarantees. Why waste the chance to have all that you want and live life to the fullest every step of the way. Just imagine the possibilities, then go out and make them your reality.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

It Really Isn't Who You Know, but Who You Assemble!

Have you heard of leverage as it relates to achieving your dreams, securing wealth, and financial freedom? Unless you do not have internet access or have been pulling a 'Rip Van Winkle', I'm sure that you've heard of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing). Well, despite all that you may have heard, the foundation for a successful MLM is based upon the principles of leverage, a truly powerful concept that has helped many entrepreneurs achieve their own financial freedom.

I can hear you asking the next question.
What is leverage and how does it work?
Leverage is achieving your goal in the easiest fastest manner possible. Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen's The One Minute Millionaire incorporates the tools of leverage. In fact, Michelle's story demonstrates exactly how leverage should be used. For those of you that are not familiar with the book and story, I will not spoil it for you, but the foundation of leverage is using Other People's _____ to help you realize your goal. That blank can be filled in with just about anything, such as other people's ideas, money, time, work, and experience. Is this laziness? Oh no. It is the absolute strength of success, the epitome of the old adage 'why reinvent the wheel.' Someone already has the money to finance your project, the time available to help you achieve your success, the experience to help you develop a course of action, etc. In The One Minute Millionaire Hansen and Allen identify the six forms of leverage that when properly implemented can create, well-- millionaires.

The first step is finding a MENTOR. Someone that has done what you want to do and who can save you a great deal of trial and error by showing you which pitfalls to avoid. Wouldn't life be much different if someone that you trusted was there to say, 'No, don't take that path, this one is much easier and success can be more easily attained.'? Well, that's what a mentor does. Helps you avoid obstacles, maximize your success, and take you under their wing.

Next, ACQUIRE A TEAM. The quickest way to maximize your efforts is to assemble a team committed to the goal. Preferably a team assembled for strength, where the weakness of one is counterbalanced by the strength of another.

The third form is developing a NETWORK. This is the thing that all successful MLM's have in common. Their founders have realized that multiplying the efforts of many produces the greatest results in the shortest amount of time.

Next, is the INFINITE NETWORK. It is the thing that makes us believe in fate and serendipity, connects us through attraction principles, and unites us as members of a spiritual complex. How does this relate to leverage? It relates because possibility, potential, and purpose are all components of success, but cannot manifest without the infinite network.

The fifth form of leverage is the USE OF TOOLS & SKILLS. Success comes more easily to those willing to learn the tools and skills that will streamline their processes. Be willing to experiment and embrace technology. Just think how much easier it is to perform tasks since the invention and availability of computers, the internet and PDA's.

The final form of leverage is SYSTEMS. It's much easier to follow an existing path than to carve your own. Success comes from learning the systems that have brought success to others and duplicating them for your own idea.

So how are you going to create your financial freedom? Have you identified an idea, mentor, system, or tool that will bring you closer to your success? If so, why not put your idea to paper and outline how you can make the power of leverage work for you. All it takes is a well thought-out plan, belief in possibilities, and commitment.
You can manifest what you truly desire with leverage.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Grabbing Life By The Tail

How’s your life going right now? If you had to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, would it be an 8 or better? If someone could take a snapshot of your life at any given moment, what would it look like? Are you laughing, smiling and happy, or frowning, sad and worried? It seems as though negativity and dissatisfaction is quite commonplace and a happy, positive, upbeat mood and lifestyle is rare. Granted, society, current events, and everyday occurrences do play a major role, but doesn’t it make you wonder if you’re on top of life, because you’re successfully calling the shots, or life’s on top of you, stealing your happiness and satisfaction, making you follow where it decides to take you.

Allan’s mood was down in the dumps. He’d been looking for a job with virtually no success for more than six months. He was out of unemployment, job prospects were slim, and he was losing hope. He spent a great deal of his time either job hunting, or sleeping, for sleeping was the only way he could escape his chaotic life and find some peace from the troubles that plagued his every waking thoughts. He had an extremely negative attitude, and even when he was trying to put his best face on for his interviews, his hopeless demeanor shone through like a beacon.
Allan sat at his computer preparing yet another round of resumes when a pop-up came on screen. It asked him to rate his level of happiness on a scale of 1 to 10. Allan check-marked a 1! When he submitted his score the results appeared on another screen that said, "Your happiness level is in direct proportion to your level of success. For guaranteed success… find happiness, a light heart, and become a director!" Allan thought about the survey for the rest of the evening, and the following weekend. A few days later he was contacted for an interview. He’d been trying to adjust his mood by paying more attention to what was going on around him, taking note of the good things that he had in his life, and not focusing on his unemployment.

When Allan went to the interview, he was rather surprised to find it was not a traditional interview. His prospective employer wanted to see how Allan interacted with the staff because it was a supervisory position and he needed to mentor his staff. Despite his surprise and trepidation Allan threw himself into his interview and tried to draw strength from "the positive." Allan was offered the job on the spot for an annual salary that was way more than he’d ever made in his life. When he asked his boss why he was offered the job, he was told that he had a "good attitude." Allan was quite pleased that he took the time to read the pop-up that changed his life. He was even happier that he decided that he would always try to direct his life instead of having life circumstances direct him. How did he begin making the change? Allan put this to practice by using meditation, relaxation techniques, and writing to keep him on track. He recognized that his former behavior had been learned, and knew that he needed to substitute new tools for old habits in order to create successful change.

So if life has control over you, why not choose to grab life by the tail and chart your course. With all that is going on in the world, let a positive attitude guide your way and become your mantra. With practice, life will become similar to a revolving door, allowing laughter and positive energy in, and having it flow back out to others. The gift of a kind word, helping hand, or radiant smile has far-reaching affects. The secret to having a life that you lead is to create a reality that is uniquely yours, but one full of passion, promise, and the pulsation of life.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Monday, October 09, 2006

It Coulda Been Me

In today’s society, so much is based on scales, decided by tests, and judged by comparison. It’s no wonder that society, as a whole, has issues about achievement and the quest for success. Success, like most other things is viewed as a goal that has levels, and all too many people believe that they are incapable of achieving true success. Why is this? The universal Law of Equality states that the dreams and desires of each person are just as important as the next, as is their fulfillment.

So everyone is free to pursue their goals since no one is predisposed to achieve success, and others are doomed to fail. But, this law is so often overlooked and feelings of inferiority ensue. This especially occurs when one compares their dreams and accomplishments to those of others. In fact, when this happens, it is the Law of Belief that is most frequently being substituted, the law that says that beliefs create reality. So what happens when you think of Bill Gates, or Donald Trump? Do you look at them and think, “I’ll never see in a lifetime the kind of money that they see in a year?” Or do you smile to yourself and say, “Not yet, but I’m working on it?” When you factor in the law of belief, can you see how much more successful a person will be with an “I think I can” attitude, versus an “I know I can’t” attitude?

How can this awesome law of equality work for you? It will work when you focus on your perception of situations, accomplishments, and actions, and change them if you find yourself not measuring up to someone or something else. No one forces a person into a role without a little help. It is instead the person who allows them to be forced into a role. This said, look at your perception of the kind of person that makes money, becomes a mega-star, or becomes the next Nobel Prize winner. Do any of these people look like you? If not, why not? Why should they be able to accomplish these things that are seemingly out of reach for you? In reality they are not out of reach for you, but you have to draw that conclusion on your own and determine how to really make that perception shift. Once you have the answer to that question, the next step is to do something about it. Would it be easier to reach your goal if you were better educated, dressed the part, or ran in the same circles as those that are where you’d like to be? Anything and everything is possible, and your job is to do what it takes to change your perception and make you believe it.

Would a reminder be all that is needed for you to remember that there is nothing keeping you from success? Reminding you that your dreams are as important and can be fulfilled just as readily as the next person? Do you need a motivating quote, or a daily affirmation that is strategically placed so that you can’t help but see it often? In The One Minute Millionaire, Michelle was coached to wear a rubber band around her wrist and to give it a sharp snap each time she went back to a place of limitation, believing that she was incapable of succeeding. Eventually she stopped frequenting that place, and when she did fall back into her habit, she recognized it for what it was, and beat a hasty retreat! Everyone needs a rubber band snap from time to time. The goal is for the need to become a rarity.

Your belief about what is possible is the core of the universal laws, and more directly, the key to success and abundance. The only boundaries that can be placed on you are self-inflicted. Shed your limitations and get ready to embrace your destiny and vision: the vision that you hold for yourself, full of passion, promise, happiness and success. If you want it, you can have it, YOU can create it. The universal laws are simply the tools to help you never again utter the words, “It coulda been me.”

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

To Grow or not to Grow... There is no Question

Isn't it true that everyone has a goal? Some may dream of wealth, some of travel, some of dedicating their lives to service others, whatever the goal ... it is human nature to have something to "aim for." If you were asked, "How willing are you to take whatever steps necessary to achieve your personal and/or professional goals?" What would your answer be? Are you willing to change your perceptions, learn new things, and embrace new ideas? Are you willing to grow in order to grasp your brass ring?

In human resources management, the buzz word "KSAs" has been quite popular. It stands for knowledge, skills, and abilities. These are the things that make employees attractive to employers, and propel them up the ladder to success. Are your knowledge, skills, and abilities up to date? Many people rely on existing skills to get them where they want to be, without thinking to update skills, research new technologies, or perfect their delivery. What are some of the things in your life that could stand a little refreshing, updating, or attention?

Do you take time each day to visualize what you would like to accomplish and where you would like to be in life? Daily visualization is an excellent tool that has been commended for helping many reach their goals much quicker than normal. What about persuasion? So much of our success depends on selling products, ideas or services. Being able to successfully persuade an audience into considering and actually purchasing your product will go a long way to achieving success. The same holds true for marketing. Think of the last product that had you rushing to the store to make a purchase. Did you need it, or simply want it? What about toy manufacturers that start priming children for the December holidays after Labor Day? They are truly experts at marketing! There are so many tools available that simply need to be utilized. Don't let fear or complacency stand in the way of success. That was almost what Roger allowed to happen.

Roger decided to start a new contracting business, his life long ambition. He knew the contracting business, had wonderful ideas, was quite honest and ethical, and did fantastic work. Roger had all of the necessary contractor skills, but not all of the skills necessary to run a successful business. Roger is one of those "baby boomers" who were not exposed to computers in school, and his work experience has all been hands-on in the field training. Thus, he is completely computer illiterate with no idea of how to run the office and paperwork end of his business in this new technological millennium. When Roger discussed his dilemma with his sister, she suggested that he either hire someone to perform these tasks for him, or that he take a small business management course. Roger was always very reluctant to embrace computers, the internet, and technology as a whole, so his sister was completely surprised when he agreed to take the course, instead of hiring someone.

The small business management course was held at his local community college and was sponsored by the Small Business Administration. After the completion of his class, Roger decided to shelf the idea of starting his business immediately and to take a few more courses to learn computer and internet skills, business accounting, and management. He realized that he needed to know that basics of how to operate his business, in order to even be able to consider hiring someone to perform the office administration for him down the road. Roger recognized that he could not successfully start and run his business with the skills that he had, so he updated his knowledge with gusto. Today, Roger owns a growing contracting business and only recently hired someone to take over the day to day office management.

Success in anything occurs when one takes initiative. So, be proactive in reaching your goals by asking the universe for assistance, studying new materials and technologies, or by learning the powers of persuasion. It is through new experiences that new ideas, skills, and opportunities occur. Allow growth in all aspects of life and prosperity will follow.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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"© Photographer: Carl Durocher | Agency:"

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Eenie, Meenie

Have you ever found yourself bored with life, of the “same ol" thing, or the repetition of a job that just does not make your engine rev? Did you know that there are many people plagued with the same challenge? The quest for how to make life more exciting. Surprisingly, the same answer works for those looking for a bit of a change in life, and for those looking to safeguard their lifestyle, in a word – diversity.

Diversification - a word familiar to most successful entrepreneurs; is a rule of thumb for not being caught by surprise. To find many things to invest money in, or different types of services to perform, so that if the bottom falls out of one market, project, or client all is not lost. It is the foundation for “multiple streams of income,” a phrase that has become very popular in the last several years as more and more people search for avenues to make money and build financial security. An example of multiple streams of income is someone who is an actor, a director, a producer, and a writer. Always having something to fall back on when something else may not pan out. Diversity is an awesome business plan that has kept many people from going bankrupt, not just the wealthy, but small business owners as well. Can you think of someone that has a small business who performs various tasks? What about a virtual assistant that performs book keeping, tax preparation, and customer service for clients? By offering multiple services that will appeal to various clients, it allows income to flow into the business from various sources, so that no one area will dry up leaving the business owner without a single source of revenue.

Diversity works well for business, but can the same principle apply to personal life? Absolutely! Business is not the only road that can become a little stale and predictable. It’s a fresh source of goals, ideas, and challenges that keep wonderful new things flowing in all factions of life. Generating multiple streams of ideas for enriching life is as limitless as you allow. Would you like to pursue a new job opportunity or a new field of study? What about several within the same field that will make you a more valued employee, or a couple of fields of study that will make you more marketable? The beauty of successful stream selection is finding something that you truly enjoy, because things fall into place almost seamlessly when they are a natural fit. So tune into you – your needs, desires, and visions, while deciding on your next stream.

Like most aspects of life, when diversifying, success comes that much quicker when others are asked for their assistance and input. Use your passion as a foundation for assembling a team to help you achieve your goal, and always be willing to act in kind for someone else. It may be their idea that you’ve been asked to collaborate on that brings you oodles of success. Whether it’s your stream or theirs, teamwork may be the added ingredient that will make the stream flow like a mighty river.

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit boxed in and would like to stretch your wings – remember to look at all of your options and to not just settle on one - diversify. Pursue one for now, build it to success, and then move on to the next, and the next, and the next. It is the one true way to always stay on top—by being prepared for a worse case scenario and never having all of your eggs in one basket. So start thinking about what new business you’d like to branch into, the new ideas that will take you on a different path, and the new goals that will bring you closer to your passion. In real estate it may all be about location, but in life and business it’s all about diversity, diversity, diversity.

Eva Gregory, master coach, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity has instructed thousands on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in dozens of teleconference training seminars and programs. She is the author of several books and e-books and has co-developed several telephone-based and internet-based training courses on the Laws of Attraction. Her most popular program to date is her Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program. Eva is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Laws of Attraction. To learn more about her products and services, visit Leading Edge Coaching.

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